What new stories are possible when flags become public art? What happens when we reclaim the dance of fabric, light, color, and wind in communal spaces to reject narratives of division and dominance and invoke human connection, reflection, spontaneity, joy? This flag, “siren over gotham,” was created by Kamau Ware and Kate Quarfordt as a visual touchstone for The Magic HOUR, a gallery walk by Kamau Studios and Gallery Walk NYC featuring 30+ artists whose work transformed empty storefronts in the Seaport throughout the summer and fall of 2021 into liminal spaces for healing, memory & creative possibility as the city emerged from the spell of 2020.
We wanted The Magic HOUR to mark this historical moment as a threshold space infused with the lush resonance of sunset—a time to resist the urgent pressure to “return to normal” and instead slow down to take stock of what we experienced (and are still experiencing).
We imagined the siren on our flag as a symbol of the city’s seductive call—both its magical promise and its ever-present heartbreaks—while also nodding to the wail of ambulance sirens that defined the sonic landscape for those of us who stayed here throughout the lockdowns and uprisings of 2020.
The Magic HOUR was a chance to invite introspection, connect with community, honor our grief, and prepare ourselves for the collective task of reawakening and re-envisioning our city after the only extended pause in its regular daily rhythms since the Dutch first set foot on Lenape land nearly four centuries ago.
Our flag, “siren over gotham” created invitations for passersby to stop for a moment of reflection, wonder and emotion. More than anything, we wanted the flags to spark questions. What new normals can we co-create? What public spaces and civic conversations can we transform? How can we be vulnerable enough to hold our losses collectively? What futures do we dare to imagine together?